Barry Blitt's “Low Tide”
Françoise Mouly and the artist Barry Blitt on about the pleasures and politics of drawing elephants, the animal that represents the midterm outcomes on the cover of the November 21, 2022, issue of the magazine.
Bob Staake Interview #1 : The Orb of Chatham
Newyorker Magazine, PDF, Opera
Liz Taylor, John Warner, and the 1976 Bicentennial - Air Mail
The New Yorker & Me: 2020
Weekend Spill: The Tilley Watch Online, July 3-7, 2023; Latest Addition To The Spill Library: A WW II-Era New Yorker Bound Volume
Election Posters
THE NEW YORKER November 21, 2022 Low tide cover by Barry Blitt
Winter Newsletter 2022 — Judith Krummeck
The New Yorker - August 1, 2016. Arizona - Swing?; Luis Barragán