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Modulus on large numbers (more than 2147483647). - KNIME

Modulus on large numbers (more than 2147483647). - KNIME

How to calculate the rest of division on very large number in KNIME? . Indeed, inside the “Math Formula” node, the mod(x,y) or x%y function is limited to " 2147483647". To avoid this limitation it’s possible to use the folowing process like (in VBA) Function RestePar97(Nbre As String) As Integer Dim i As Integer RestePar97 = 0 For i = 0 To Len(Nbre) - 1 RestePar97 = (RestePar97 * 10 + CInt(Mid(Nbre, i + 1, 1))) Mod 97 Next i End Function How can I transpose this function in KNIM

Random numbers - KNIME Analytics Platform - KNIME Community Forum

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Modulus on large numbers (more than 2147483647). - KNIME Analytics Platform - KNIME Community Forum

Modulus on large numbers (more than 2147483647). - KNIME Analytics Platform - KNIME Community Forum

Generate sequence with first and last value - KNIME Analytics Platform - KNIME Community Forum

Compare all values of all columns and if One value is repeated, the value in the new column created will be 1 - KNIME Analytics Platform - KNIME Community Forum


Data & Analytics BLOG #3: The danger of Exceleration

Jon Fuller – Director, Team Leader Data Products – Idorsia Pharmaceuticals Ltd

How to determine the optimal number of clusters? - KNIME Analytics Platform - KNIME Community Forum