Rising Stomach Stretch External Oblique, Intercostals, Obliques
Technique: • Lie face down • Bring your hands close to your shoulders • Look forward • Push your body upwards with your arms keeping your hips on the ground Primary muscles: External and internal intercostals. External and internal obliques. Transversus abdominis. Rectus abdominis. Secondary muscles: Psoas major
Technique: • Lie face down • Bring your hands close to your shoulders • Look forward • Push your body upwards with your arms keeping your hips on the ground
External and internal obliques muscles stretching exercise
External Oblique Rehab My Patient
What are the side muscles of your core called? - Quora
How to Stretch Tight External Obliques and Relieve Your Back Pain – Spinal Rejuvenation
Intercostal Muscle Strain - Physiopedia
Why are abs divided into 6? Why is it not just a long piece of muscle like the bicep? - Quora
The benefit of stretching obliques: gain balance and stability
Pilates as Preventative Exercise: Foundations
What are the side muscles of your core called? - Quora
Stretching Charts