FreeBibleimages :: Sea of Galilee: Fish and fishing nets :: Information on fishing in the Sea of Galilee in Bible times (Bible overview)
That the World May Know They Left Their Nets Behind
THE WIKI BIBLE PROJECT / Fishing in the Bible and the Ancient Near
Fishing the Sea of Galilee (First Century Foundations 11/6)
Fishing the Sea of Galilee (First Century Foundations 11/6)
FreeBibleimages :: Sea of Galilee: Fish and fishing nets :: Information on fishing in the Sea of Galilee in Bible times (Bible overview)
Cast Your Net Upon the Waters: Fish and Fishermen in Jesus' Time
Breakfast on the Shore – Mission Bible Class
John 3 – Part 4: “More of Him and Less of Me” – See you in Heaven
Fishing Techniques at the Sea of Galilee in the Times of Jesus – Saxum
Background information on fish and fishing in the Sea of Galilee in the time of the Gospels. (Bible overview)
Fishing the Sea of Galilee (First Century Foundations 11/6)